USD Comparative Rater

One-Time Start-up Fee $250 + tax (includes 3 licenses)

Monthly Fee $89 + tax (includes 3 licenses)

Each additional license $20 + tax per month


The USD Comparative Rater is an efficient, cost effective way to gain sales and meet the needs of your client base. You can quickly quote in seconds and complete an application in a few minutes.

The main menu features direct links to access the USD Auto Rater, Commercial Auto Rater, Specialty Vehicles, Homeowners, Artisan Rater, Workers Comp, Restaurant Rater and much, much more.

In addition, you will get built in ACORD forms, DMV forms, Bar-coded ID card program, the USD Checkwriter, MVR search, Financing options, and DMV license search program plus many more.

You also have the option to use the desktop or web raters.

Easy setup and upload process for ACORD forms.

Store multiple websites, login and password information and directly launch to websites in a new browser with just one click.

*The USD Comparative Rater also interfaces with the USD DBIV Agency Management System.


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We do not issue any contracts to use our software products. We make it real simple. Use the product for as long as you wish. If you do not want to use it anymore, just send us a note and we will stop billing your company.

NOTE : If you would like to continue using the USD Comparative Rater after the 30 day trial period the program will prompt you to register with USD. There is a $250 + tax One Time Startup Fee and a monthly fee of $89 + tax for one machine and $20 + tax for each additional machine. You have the option to pay for access monthly, quarterly or annually. This pricing includes all updates.

Our team provides you the most current, up-to-date software. We take our clients suggestions seriously. Requests are shared with all agents, processed and programmed at no extra cost to our clients.

 Contact (212) 840-5091 or


Contact us today to find your solution 800-353-3755